Netted Alignment

Similar to any other sport— it had rules too,
the null was called the love— probably just to woo,
you’re just to serve the shuttlecock diagonally,
and could wonder you’re a player already,
a net in between— and in one ‘every bat,
thank god my contender’s gut was intact;
thence though I stood idly staring at the morning moon,
—literally nothing stopped him from winning on alone,
he shielded me from any nuke that headed in my way;
like were on the borders or the bay,
he was the only warrior that I had to obey, and yet in haste;
rummaging for the cue— a sudden bloody taste,
a little distraction and I hit myself; the tugging costed my lips,
Oh such a deadly game with weaponized hands;
below the 6 Am light shimmered black dots or sorts
—before my sight and with pain of all sorts,
as they say ‘borrowed garments never fit well’;
gentle but yet wasn’t my play to try,
mine was to write a laud and thus an ode to the game,
‘a mindful sport’ as they claim!

Known stranger❤ – Krishnaprasad03
Wattpad – knownstranger03
Facebook – Sideeshwaran krishna prasad

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